Our team employees are a large number of proven specialists who know all the pitfalls of technologies. We have already encountered all problems of game development and have ready, proven solutions.
Existing processes
We focus on recruiting staff and establishing processes to ensure high-quality work on schedule
Production: development scheme, version control, auto tests.
Submitting a project, we use both automatic and manual testing.
Game support
Using the version control system, several programmers can be delivered to your project at once, and you can track code changes easily. The same method is used with further project support.
Technologies and Frameworks
PHP ( Laravel, Symfony, YII, ZEND), Java, ASP.net (C#), Node.js.
Igor founded CrocoMobi in 2015 and has come a long way through the positions of Programmer, Lead Programmer, Product Manager, Company Lead.
He's got 18 years of experience in software development as a manager, 14 years experience as an Executive Producer. He possesses expertise in creating and operating successful games and the ability to gather around him talented people.
Dmitriy Belenkiy
COO, CrocoMobi co-founder
10-years of business experience in product development, finance, lean startup, prototyping.
His proven professionalism and ability to achieve goals allows the company to produce high-quality products.
Irina Demchenko
CCO, CrocoMobi co-founder
Irina has been working in gaming for over 18 years in the field of strategic marketing, business planning, commerce and graphics management. She's an MBA from the Stockholm School of Economics. Strategic experience and artistic flair allow us to develop effective working solutions for games.
Our history
Started working with the American company ERAI (www.erai.com), developed an internal document management system. In collaboration with the company, the medpro.info system (both site and internal CRM) was implemented.